Monday 29 March 2021

Dhamira consulting firm – Global Solutions

 Dhamira is a development consulting firm, working in the Eastern and Horn of Africa countries. We provide capacity building to local organizations and technical assistance for government, private sector and International non-governmental clients.

Dhamira is an action-oriented, results driven consulting firm that builds capacity, applied through an equity lens with innovative strategies for an ever-emerging future. Our expertise focuses on critical areas and specialties in precise areas that can be part of an integrated plan or address specific independent issues.

Dhamira’s staff and consultants are brought together in their commitment to tackling complex problems and track record of delivering change. We work closely with our partners every step of the way and measure our success by the real-world impact we create, not simply the advice we deliver.

We catalyze potential partnerships and connect opportunities for funders, individuals, and organizations to work together towards common goals.

Visit :- for more information

We provide capacity building and other services to : 

  • Local      organizations
  • Government
  • Private      Sector
  • International      Non-Governmental Clients

                                                            Contact us 

                      AREAS OF EXPERTISE

Dhamira Consulting is committed to providing innovative management and technical solutions for a secure and prosperous world. We provide government agencies, missions, and multilateral clients with rigorous project implementation, learning, and performance management solutions. Dhamira Consulting supports foreign policy and foreign assistance initiatives through these core areas of expertise






Partnerships and Capacity Strengthening

Dhamira recognizes that local organizations often lack the systems, resources and tools necessary to carry out large scale projects. Dhamira provides capacity building and institutional strengthening to implement high-impact projects.

  • Evaluate      current organizational assets and resources with respect for the      organization’s strengths, needs and goals.
  • Identify      gaps in individual skills or organizational systems. Determine skill      deficit, organizational gaps and areas for improvement
  • Support      in the design and implementation of interventions using local resources      and personnel
  • Continuously follow individual and      organizational progress over time, to ensure that new skills, tools and      resources are successfully adapted and become standard operating      procedures.

Due Diligence on Potential Grantees

We provide the most comprehensive, tailored and in-depth analysis to donors looking to support projects. We are one of the few organizations that visit every project and program before recommending them to a donor.

  • Our      key criteria on recommending a program to support include:
  • Impact      and response
  • Value      for money
  • Sustainability
  • Management
  • Financial      transparency
  • Current/Past      outcomes
  • Feedback      from recipients
  • What      other similar organizations are working in the area and what is their      impact
  • Local,      regional and countrywide social and economic policies
  • Political stability

USAID Rules and Regulations

Training on USG compliance regulations including CFR200 and FAR

Quality Assurance

Dhamira undertakes third-party monitoring,  feasibility studies, baseline, mid-term and end-line program evaluations.

Proposal Development 

Dhamira consultants are experts in technical and cost preparation for international donors and funders such as USG and EU.


Phone :- +254 722 465036

Visit :- for more information .